BETHLEHEM, Pa. — Join Megan Frank every Friday at 9:30am and 6:30pm for Insights with on WLVR.
Each week, she’s joined by reporters to talk about the stories they’ve been following.
These journalists are experts in their beats and offer you a greater understanding of the stories they’re working on.
This week, Megan talks with our Allentown Reporter Jason Addy and Bethlehem Reporter Will Oliver, about the construction going on in both cities.
Jason gets us up to speed on the plan to offer medical respite rooms in a former Allentown church.We’ll also find out about the possible future for Andre Reed Park in Allentown.
Will gives us some perspective on the measurements for the new Walnut Street Garage in Bethlehem.
Julian Abraham introduces us to “The King of the Kitchen,” Miguel Barragan, who is a competitive meat cutter.
You heard it right… competitive meat cutting! Texas Roadhouse holds this championship event, and it's both a promotional strategy for the restaurant chain, as well as a training and motivation tactic for the meat cutters.
Listen below...