So, we're not seeing a lot of snow these days, and for some, that's really ok. But the weather is not evoking those comfort foods like hot chocolate or soup. Fortunately, it's always perfect weather for popcorn 🍿especially today, which the National Day Calendar tells us is National Popcorn Day. You can also dig up some kernels of the history of the day. See what we did there?
1. The National Weather Service at Mt. Holly, N.J., says to expect rain today with a high of 40 degrees. After that, more rain tonight with a low of 37.
2. If you live in South Whitehall Township officials want your feedback on the proposed comprehensive plan and they're hosting an open house at 5 p.m. Thursday at the township building with the hope of hearing from you.
3. The Damar Hamlin incident weeks ago has drawn attention to the fact that many football games throughout the Lehigh Valley are played without an ambulance in attendance because of short staffing issues.
4. Highlighted at Tuesday's city council meeting is the fact that the City of Bethlehem still has an interest in buying three area churches.
5. ICYMI: Hearken way back to last week and take the quiz!