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Hellertown Area News

Hellertown council, library reach decade-long partnership, funding deal

Hellertown Area Library
Will Oliver
The Hellertown Area Library, located at 409 Constitution Ave. in Hellertown.

HELLERTOWN, Pa. — A chunk of Hellertown Area Library’s funding will come from the borough for the next 10 years, thanks to a partnership announced this week.

“This agreement symbolizes our shared vision for a thriving, accessible and inclusive community where the library remains a cornerstone of learning and connection,” Hellertown Borough Council President Tom Rieger said in a borough news release.

Council approved the move at its regular meeting Oct. 21, and the partnership and funding agreement were signed into action Monday at the library at 409 Constitution Ave.

“We’ve really started to go beyond books at the library, and most importantly, we are an essential hub in our community.”
Hellertown Area Library Director Ali Finkbeiner

Library Director Ali Finkbeiner, who took the role in August, said, “We’ve really started to go beyond books at the library, and most importantly, we are an essential hub in our community.”

Costs increasing

This incoming budget season has library officials asking for a 3% increase in borough support — tallied at $65,323 — to offset rising costs while maintaining services.

HAL’s 2025 budgeted income is $167,631. Expenses — from highest to lowest parts of the budget — include payroll, purchase services, materials collection, insurance, utilities, fundraiser and outreach.

Finkbeiner said surpluses from 2023 and 2024 will cover a projected deficit in 2025, “unless Lower Saucon becomes part of our service area, which would really flip the whole budget in a really positive direction.”

A foreseen deficit in 2026 could be paid at least partly by a library endowment fund, but that money is more so set aside for “unexpected costs,” she said.

HAL funding comes from local government (39%), state aid (20%), with fundraisers, foundations and contributions making up the rest, according to Finkbeiner.

'Essential educational and cultural resource'

Along with standard-issue library services, HAL offers early literacy programming, continued education activities and even local school support for children and their families, especially considering the library is just down the street from the Saucon Valley Schools campus.

“The agreement reflects the Borough Council’s dedication to supporting the library while allowing it to remain an independent entity that serves the community’s needs.”
Hellertown news release

“This long-term commitment ensures stable financial support for the library, solidifying its role as an essential educational and cultural resource for the residents of Hellertown,” the release read, regarding the council-library partnership.

“The agreement reflects the Borough Council’s dedication to supporting the library while allowing it to remain an independent entity that serves the community’s needs.”

Library leadership said this year HAL is coming off a successful summer reading initiative with 80 programs and 2,500 total attendees.

HAL has five library employees, and averages 25 volunteer hours each week.