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A sweet way to get into the spirit of Halloween

  • Lehigh Valley Health Network held its annual Halloween party at the Children's Hospital
  • More than 100 children were expected to attend
  • Kids received free costumes, played games, and participated in arts and crafts

ALLENTOWN, Pa. — It was more sweet than scary as would-be trick-or-treaters paid a visit to Lehigh Valley Reilly Children’s Hospital on Thursday.

Dressed in pumpkin outfits, more than 100 children signed up to stop at the Lehigh Valley Health Network’s annual Halloween party.

“We love the Children's Hospital and we love that they put on great events for the community and we're just happy to be here to celebrate Halloween in a fun way,” Amy Serfas of Coplay said.

Serfas, a mom of three, brought 6-year-old Parker, 4-year-old Henry and 1-year-old Abby to participate in the fun.

"I think it's great that there's an opportunity for the kids to play and to celebrate in a safe way,” she said.

"It is the program that we have in our stores where we collect donations, both whole dollar donations and roundups, and all of the money, 100 percent of it, goes directly to our partner hospitals.”
Spirit Halloween District Manager Becka Bossons

The party is made possible each year by the Spirit of Children, a charitable organization through the retail store Spirit Halloween.

"It is the program that we have in our stores where we collect donations, both whole dollar donations and roundups, and all of the money, 100 percent of it, goes directly to our partner hospitals,” Spirit Halloween District Manager Becka Bossons said.

“We send the money right over to the Child Life Department and they use it for whatever is most important to them to make hospitals less scary for kids.”

'So grateful for their partnership'

Bossons said the funding has been used to build accommodations for families such as a laundry station in the children’s hospital.

“They made a washing facility for the families to use, so that way when they have a sick child in the hospital they don't need to leave to wash their own clothing," Bossons said.

"They can stay with their kids in the hospital, wash their own clothes and stay here with the kids."

“They've been able to provide funds that allow us to do different things in the hospital throughout the year. We're just really so grateful for their partnership."
Trish Dilg, Child Life Department, Lehigh Valley Reilly Children's Hospital

Trish Dilg, who is an activities coordinator in the Children's Hospital Child Life Department, said, "We really could not do all the things that we do without their help.”

“They've been able to provide funds that allow us to do different things in the hospital throughout the year. We're just really so grateful for their partnership."

Dilg said Spirit of Children not only provides funding but resources as well. It provided costumes to give to the children in attendance.

"They provide a Halloween party each year, inviting our families and the community to just come in and enjoy — enjoy the season,” Dilg said.

“Spirit Halloween comes and puts everything on, sets up the activities. There [are] costumes here to pick from. It's really a beautiful day. "

In addition to the costume giveaway, the children could play games, color and participate in other Halloween-themed fun.

“We have crafts, we have games [and] we have all sorts of things for them to have fun with and a little break from any of the treatments that they might be having,” Bossons said.

“Every time they get to pick that costume, that's like a perfect fit. It's pretty special.”
Trish Dilg, activities coordinator with the Children's Hospital Child Life Department

Since 2012, Spirit of Children has donated more than $870,000 to Lehigh Valley Reilly Children’s Hospital. This year, it made its largest contribution of more than $130,000 to the child life program.

“Every time they get to pick that costume, that's like a perfect fit," Dilg said. "It's pretty special.”

Spirit of Children will hold Halloween parties across the United States and Canada this year.