BETHLEHEM, Pa. - An already critically low supply has been depleted even more as people leave the medical field. When the pandemic hit, many places that typically hold blood drives—like businesses and schools—closed, limiting the number of available donation sites.
Now, as many people change jobs in what's being called the “Great Resignation,” it’s not just donors needed, but also staff.
Dr. Kip Kutner, vice president and medical director at Miller-Keystone Blood Center, said at one point, the blood bank had only 25% of its normal collection staff working.
“This is something that blood collectors haven't had to confront before: this multifactorial issue, or the multi, multi multiple issues that are preventing us from collecting the number of units, which we would like to have in our inventory,” Kutner said.
He is seeing phlebotomists taking jobs in higher-paying careers or leaving for work-from-home positions, and he said the job requires extensive training but would be a good fit for anyone who’s interested in the medical field and a people-person.
Anyone interested in donating blood can make an appointment with Miller-Keystone at 800-B-A-DONOR (800-223-6667).