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Environment & Science

Peregrine falcons no longer 'threatened' in Pa. Meet the man responsible for their comeback

Peregrine falcon banding

HARRISBURG, Pa. - The peregrine falcon is a top predator, and the fastest bird on the planet.

Once federally endangered, it has now recovered over much of its range. And recently, Pennsylvania upgraded its population from ‘threatened’ to safely delisted.

WLVR’s Brad Klein speaks with Art McMorris, the peregrine falcon coordinator for the Pennsylvania Game Commission. McMorris is stepping down from that position after 18 years of work on behalf of this charismatic predator.

McMorris says nesting peregrine falcons can be found throughout the Lehigh Valley, including at a cement plant in Nazareth, on the Route 33 bridge over the Lehigh River in Bethlehem Township and at a Bath quarry.

Also check out this story from 2020, after peregrine falcons were discovered nesting atop one of the blast furnaces on the SteelStacks campus in Bethlehem.