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Lehigh Valley Politics and Election News

Election deadline: Today is the last day to request a mail-in ballot for the primary election

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BETHLEHEM, Pa. — Tuesday, May 9, is the last day to apply for a mail-in or absentee ballot, in order to vote in the upcoming Pennsylvania primary.

However, this option is only available to people already registered to vote. Those interested in checking their registration status can do so on the Pennsylvania Department of State website or visit their county election office.

In Pennsylvania, there are two types of mail-in ballots.

  • Mail-in ballot – Any qualified voter may apply for a mail-in ballot. They do not have to provide a reason.
  • Absentee ballot – Those away from their polling location on Election Day, or who have a disability or illness that prevents them from going to their polling location can request this ballot type. However, it does require voters to list a reason for the ballot.

In Lehigh County, you can drop your mail ballot at the Lehigh County Government Center, the Whitehall Township Building, the Lehigh County Authority lobby, the Fountain Hill Borough Building or the Macungie Borough Building.

In Northampton County, you can drop it at the County Courthouse, the Northampton County Human Services Building, the Northampton County 911 Center or at Bethlehem City Hall.

If you need to get caught up on all things related to the primary, check out our primary primer, along with our look at local races to watch and the full list of school board races.

LehighValleyNews.com also held a debate last month between the candidates seeking the Democratic nomination in the race for Northampton County district attorney. You can watch it below.

NORCO DA Debate 2023

Our elections page has a number of races already previewed, and all of our election coverage to this point.

Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday, May 16, in Pennsylvania.

Stephanie Sigafoos contributed to this report.