SALISBURY TWP., Pa. - In front of cameras, reporters and hospital personnel Chantal Branco got vaccinated against COVID-19.
“I’m really excited, I’m excited for better days.”

Branco says the shot didn’t hurt, and she went right back to work afterwards. But she says she’s looking forward to visiting family members she’s been separated from during the pandemic.
“I see a few more tough months ahead of us, but I feel like the vaccine being here is the lights being switched on in the longest tunnel ever…”
Branco is one of more than 1,200 Pennsylvania healthcare workersto be vaccinated so far.
First responders and residents and staff in long-term care homes are up soon.
Once there is a larger supply, it will be distributed to people with underlying health conditions, essential workers and then the general population.
Watch the LVHN Facebook Live event below.