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Angel 34 Foundation, created to comfort young cancer patients, is ceasing operations after 20 years

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Angel 34 is ceasing operations after 20 years

  • Nicole Sheriff launched Angel 34 Foundation in 2003
  • Her goal was to ease the pain of other young cancer patients such as herself
  • Twenty years and $10 million later, the organization is winding down

OREFIELD, Pa. — The Angel 34 Foundation, launched in 2003 by 14-year-old cancer patient Nicole Sheriff, is ceasing operations as of the end of 2023, according to a written announcement issued by Doug Sheriff, president of the organization.

He also is Nicole's father.

As a cancer patient, Nicole sought to make life's hurdles more bearable for other young victims of serious illness. Her first win was getting ICEE machines installed in treatment centers to help soothe the burning associated with chemotherapy.

From there, over the past 20 years, the organization has raised more than $10 million that has been distributed among families, hospitals, research centers and more, the statement said.

Nicole Sheriff lost her battle with cancer in 2004.

“Nicole would have been 34 years old this year, and we feel that this is an appropriate time to bring this chapter to a close. Her mother and I, along with our dedicated board of directors, have come to this difficult decision after a lot of soul searching."
Doug Sheriff, Nicole Sheriff's father and president of The Angel 34 Foundation

“Nicole would have been 34 years old this year, and we feel that this is an appropriate time to bring this chapter to a close,” Sheriff said. “Her mother and I, along with our dedicated board of directors, have come to this difficult decision after a lot of soul searching."

Fundraising has been discontinued, the statement said, and through a partnership agreement, existing accounts will be donated to Dream Come True, a group that shares goals similar to Angel 34's.

“We feel that this is an appropriate use of the funds, since it will support our daughter’s original vision and we can still help bring some light to children who are suffering,” said Linda Sheriff, Nicole’s mother and vice president of Angel 34 Foundation.

The remaining months of 2023 will be dedicated to making the transition and shutting down operations, the statement said.