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Bethlehem City and New Bethany Ministries provide hotel housing for homeless families

Photo | Tracy Yatsko

BETHLEHEM, Pa - Seven families plus 17 individuals now have a temporary home at Comfort Suites in Bethlehem. New Bethany Ministries Director of Operations, Veronne Demesyeux says the goal is to get as many people off the street as quickly as possible - for up to two months.

"So ideally the goal of this program is that while we have them temporarily held at Comfort Suites, we can work with them directly on setting goals. As long as they're willing to receive case management, they live in the city of Bethlehem, and they're willing to save some money towards housing, we're not looking to turn around after this timeframe and say, okay, well now back onto the street,” said Demesyeux.
Demesyeux says the ultimate goal is to secure permanent housing for clients.
“Honestly, my personal goal is that we won't have anyone in there for eight weeks. So hopefully we will be able to transition people out much sooner than that and get a new group in so that we can help as many people as possible.” 

The city’s original agreement was for 10 hotel rooms, that number has increased to 24 to meet the need. There’s currently a waitlist for the program.